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Italians gone mad: the first national aperomix

By 20 June 2016September 6th, 2018No Comments

The long-awaited moment for aspiring museum mixers has arrived! “Quel musée allez vous remixer cette année?” This is how the presentation of 16 museums in the running for the next edition started, 4 of which are Italian (the reason why our mentors and French cousins thought we were barking mad!).

Today, Monday 20th June, from 2pm onwards, at the Museo Ebraico in Bologna, the first afternoon of the workshop, conference and national aperomix will be held, with 4 Italian museums in the running for Museomix 2016.

The day, organised by us thanks to the wonderful collaboration with NEMO – Network of European Museum Organisation, IBC Emilia-Romagna and MEB – Museo Ebraico di Bologna, will be divided into three parts:

  • 2pm, plenary work session and private brainstorming, dedicated to the local communities born around the winning museums, led by Fabrice Denise (president of Museomix Global) and Mar Dixon (director Museomix UK);
  • 4.30pm, the doors open and the community becomes larger. The plenary session begins with speeches from Vincenza MaugeriMargherita SaniFabrice DeniseMar Dixon and presentations of the candidacies.
  • 6pm, aperomix at the Gessetto, a bar not far away from the museum, where the dicussion will continue over a spritz or two!

Workshops and conferences can be watched on live streaming on Radio Oltre and on BAM!’s social media channels, particularly on Twitter by following #aperomixBO.

Keep your eyes peeled and ears open because today the call for museomixers will be officially launched, which will make up the team on the three days in November  for the remixing of the museums.