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Open Vicoli, exploring the city to get to know one another

By 3 July 2019May 20th, 2020No Comments

BAM! and the VICOLI project partners are organising two days of “participatory mapping” in Genoa, in the Maddalena, Via del Campo and Via Prè neighbourhoods.


The Vicoli project, which won Compagnia di San Paolo’s Open Community call for entries, is continuing: eighteen months to construct a public-private network of parties from different sectors (museums, culture, social) for the benefit of cultural engagement in the Maddalena, Via del Campo and Via Pré neighbourhoods, in Genoa’s historical centre.

As the network’s community manager, BAM! Strategie Culturali has organised a two-day tour for Thursday 4 and Saturday 6 April, which will involve the partner organisations’ teams in scouting for venues, places and areas to operate in. Field mapping, exploring the city on foot to measure the distances (and the closeness) between the organisations involved in the project.

On Thursday afternoon we’ll be walking in the areas of Via Prè and Via del Campo (the former Jewish ghetto), starting from the social enterprise incubator Social Hub Genova and heading towards the Associazione San Marcellino, the home of singer-songwriters Via del Campo 29 rosso, the Casa della Giovane, the Museo di Palazzo Reale, the youth centre La Staffetta, the Museoteatro della Commenda di Prè, the Casa della Musica and, lastly, the Galata Museo del Mare.

Meanwhile, on Saturday morning we’ll be mapping the alleys in the Maddalena zone, starting with the training organisation Former, then heading towards the headquarters of Artegioco I MunarianiPas à Pas, the Casa della Maddalena, the Musei di Strada Nuova (Palazzo Bianco, Palazzo Rosso, Palazzo Tursi), the creative recycling workshop Sc’Art! Creazioni al Fresco, the Centro Educazione al Lavoro Lab 85, the children’s social centre Il Formicaio, the fablab Madlab 2.0 and, lastly, the Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola.

The walks follow on from the initial period of getting to know the individual partners, which involved one-to-one interviews and meetings organised around themed tables. They are a useful tool for bridging the gaps in our knowledge and creating a shared base within the community network. During the walk to their facility, each partner has the opportunity to give a brief presentation of their projects, their workers and the methods they usually use. Likewise, the community network has the opportunity to officially introduce itself to the individual organisations in first person.

This will be followed by two training days in May. The days will be targeted at community network operators, with lessons, exercises and presentations of successful projects that share Vicoli’s values, all of which have been headed by BAM! The idea is to lay the foundations for future joint projects between the various parties involved.

Keep up-to-date with the project through BAM!’s social media channels and find out more about the initiatives being promoted by the network on the website, which will be up and running very soon!


Read the other articles about the project: