Project date

Support in reaching new audiences and stakeholders through a positioning strategy and communication guidelines

The Project

Casamia is an artistic residency project for musicians in the mountains of Carnia, in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The project aims to connect places and people in order to breathe new life into the mountains and bring added value to the local community.

Every year, through a call for applications, Casamia attracts and welcomes musicians from all over Italy interested in creating new music, being inspired and influenced by the area and the communities that inhabit the small villages of Carnia.


The residency format proposed by Casamia grows stronger every year and the time has come to raise its profile, broaden its audience and create new networks:

  • with regard to the local area: by increasing the involvement of the local community in Carnia and promoting the project on a national level;
  • with regard to the sector: by positioning itself within the music sector and market.

The work team is also growing, with different skills and backgrounds, and the desire to help create a positive impact in terms of community and opportunities is emerging loud and clear


The process through which BAM! is supporting the Comune di Ravascletto and Casamia with a new positioning strategy began with a preliminary analysis of current communication and a workshop with the staff and the main stakeholders in the area in order to clearly identify objectives, targets and resources.

Following the preparatory activities, BAM! is now working on drafting a communication and strategic positioning plan that will make it possible to identify and implement not only promotion and digital engagement measures but also press office, networking and digital PR initiatives.



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