On December 4th, at the Creative Europe Desk Italia infoday, we will bring testimonies of our experience on European planning, communication and dissemination activities, in the context of European projects.
An intense session that all those who deal with cultural planning have been waiting for with bated breath: the call for cooperation projects from Europa Creativa, which expires on January 18th, 2018 where the wealth of information is in abundance..
5 hours to address 5 key issues. To break the ice, a reflection on the work done so far, culture, happiness, and subsequently the priorities for the next moves: international mobility, audience development and capacity building. The third theme has to do with the evaluation criteria and the compilation of the eForm; then it will move on to communication, culture and social media, touching last but not least, on the budget form.
Among the testimonies, the European project Performing Gender – which has won the Creative Europe call two years in a row, focused on the themes of dance and genre – from the story of Daniele Dal Pozzo, director of Gender Bender Festival for the Cassero LGBT Center, leader of the project. Following on, there will be a speech from BAM!’s own Federico Borreani “Communicating a European project”, starting from the case of Performing Gender, which we at BAM! contributed to writing and can be found on this website and this Facebook page.
There will be another 7 testimonies during the day, brought by 7 other guests, followed by a last recap and last minute tips to survive the final rush, following a new format, based on participation and collaboration, just as you do when you plan a project together with other partners. Here are a few details:
The speeches of the day
- Introduction: Leila Nista, Coordinator of the Creative Europe Desk Italia – MiBACT,
- 2018 call on European cooperation projects (from eligibility and priority criteria, from the form to the budget form): Marzia Santone, Project Officer of Creative Europe Desk Italy – Culture Office – MiBACT
- Testimonials from guests, with the winning projects from past editions:
- A manual on work and happiness with Carla Esperanza Tommasini, Linda Valenti
- Engage Audiences with Cristina Da Milano
- Performing Gender with Daniele Del Pozzo and Federico Borreani
- LIV.IN.G – Live Internationalization Gateway with Carlotta Garlanda
- TWLetteratura with Cristiana Cabodi
- Bruno Mastroianni, journalist, philosopher, social media manager and author of “La disputa felice (The Happy Dispute).” Disagreeing without arguing over social networks, media and the public “.
The “No partner, no party” infoday, now in its fourth edition, is free and is organized by Creative Europe’s Italian Desk and will take place on Monday 4 December in Rome, from 9am to 2pm, at the Department of Architecture at the University Roma Tre (Ex Mattatoio Testaccio) where there will be practical information and testimonies from those who have already dealt with and successfully completed the long road to financing the project.
Participation is free but, as always, you need to register by clicking here. Can’t make it? Follow the official hashtag: #nopartnernoparty.
To learn more about our experience on European projects read here. To learn about our communication partners Perceive, Horizon 2020, click here.