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Does Europe feel European? The PERCEIVE team presents the study results

By 3 July 2019May 20th, 2020No Comments



On 19 June, BAM! Strategie Culturali will be in Brussels as a PERCEIVE project partner to share guidelines on how to implement and raise awareness of the European Cohesion Policy following three years of research.

The PERCEIVE project – winner of the Horizon2020 call for entries – has explored to what extent citizens of the various European regions under investigation feel European and how they perceive the effect of the Cohesion Policies implemented by the European Union.

The complex research process, which involved various academic partners, has produced some interesting results that will be shared with policymakers, professionals and other stakeholders working in close contact with the Cohesion Funds and other European Funds. The research team has come up with some specific recommendations on how to implement the Cohesion Policy, focusing particularly on raising awareness of projects financed by the Fund and on how to reach citizens, who often know nothing at all about European investments effectively being made in their regions.

The PERCEIVE Final Conference on 19 June 2019 will provide an opportunity for debate, sharing and discussion between the project team and the various professionals present.

During the afternoon, a small group of stakeholders will also test a virtual simulation of the effects that political and strategic decisions regarding European Structural Funds can have among citizens and how they can alter their perception of the EU. The simulation will be a useful tool for supporting European and local policymakers in their work.

PERCEIVE is a complex research project with a strong academic and technical stamp. BAM! was responsible for raising awareness of the project from the very start of the research process, setting out to reach and engage a broader non-academic audience, translating the contents using more accessible language and methods of communication.

One example of this is the How are EU? quiz, launched recently on the PERCEIVE website.
BAM! developed the quiz on the basis of a PERCEIVE research article that maps out people’s perception of and relationship with the EU in various European regions. This made it possible to draw up six profiles corresponding to different levels of identification with the EU.


