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Work gets underway on the European Emphos project: the first meeting in Bologna

By 3 July 2019May 22nd, 2020No Comments

Work gets underway on the European “EMPHOS” (Empowering Museum Professionals and Heritage Organizations Staff) project on Thursday 5 May in Bologna.

Although most of us will be in Naples working on Wikimuseums, BAM! couldn’t miss this first international meeting on cultural entrepreneurship. We will be attending the morning session and playing an active part in the afternoon around the discussion table devoted to audience development.

But let’s cover things in the right order. The initiative, organised by the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten University of Amsterdam, the CIAPE, the Stichting Landschap Erfgoed in Utrecht and Goldsmiths’ College in London, and funded by the European Erasmus + scheme, focuses on the subject of cultural entrepreneurship and aims to create an international network and an European training course for culture professionals. The day, which is free to attend, will be split into two parts. In the morning James Bradburne (Pinacoteca di Brera), Professor Luca dal Pozzolo (Fondazione Fitzcarraldo), Laura Carlini Fanfogna (Istituzione Bologna Musei), Roberto Balzani (SMA Sistema Musei Universitari Bologna), Dr Virginia Marozzi (Servizi educativi Genus Bononiae) and Professor Fabrizio Panozzo (Maclab Venice University) will illustrate and discuss the subject of cultural entrepreneurship in Italy.

Meanwhile, in the afternoon there will be five discussion tables for talking about administrative and artistic matters, conservation versus use of cultural heritage, the need to find a balance between boosting audience figures and achieving loyalty, the innovation of the heritage concept and the creation of networks, and relations between culture, society and politics.

Unfortunately registration has been closed for several days, but if you didn’t manage to register in time and still want to keep up to date with the latest developments then follow the event Facebook page. If you have registered, then we’ll see you on Thursday in the beautiful Library of San Giorgio in Poggiale in Bologna ?