
Comune di Bologna

Project date
2014 - 2015

A public communication campaign for upgrading energy efficiency in buildings

The project

The PAES (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) is the tool used by Bologna to establish the necessary measures for cutting CO2 emissions by improving energy efficiency and using energy from renewable sources. The complex group of measures identified by the PAES can be achieved thanks to an approach based on public-private cooperation, involving the Comune di Bologna as the organiser, together with the various players that provide the main services across the city.


As part of the PAES, the Comune di Bologna decided to allocate resources for promoting the use of incentives/ecobonuses for private individuals who improve the energy efficiency of their buildings. It also wanted to promote a new information service (Punto Energia) on how to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, which was made available to local residents thanks to the PAES for Bologna (supported by CNA and Hera).


BAM! was given the task of developing a public communication campaign on improving the energy efficiency of buildings. The campaign, planned by BAM! and agreed upon with the Comune di Bologna and the Urban Center (now the Fondazione per l’Innovazione Urbana), included:

  • an online communication section, designed to increase sources of access to the PAES site (e.g. through social networking, sector-specific direct email marketing, adwords) and to simplify contact with the Punto Energia. Motion graphic videos were the main tools used for sharing information, with in-depth looks at issues associated with improving energy efficiency and the associated subsidies;
  • an offline communication section, for making the message more direct for certain targets, communicating in busy spots and relaunching traditional media communication.

BAM! looked after the identity building and coordinated image for Punto Energia, creating and developing the necessary graphics (from decorating the wall at the Punto Energia to web banners and leaflets).


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