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Dinamica: a new professional network to support culture

By 20 May 2020November 2nd, 2022No Comments

Five enterprises are joining forces to help cultural organisations tackle the future in the best possible way. Complete our questionnaire!

Dinamica is a networking project that brings together consultancy and training firms with cultural management professionals and experts, all of whom want to support the cultural sector during this difficult period and beyond. BAM! has decided to throw itself into this challenge alongside Ideazione srl, the project leader, and together with Melting Pro, Kalatà and Kilowatt. Dinamica is also supported by a scientific board comprising Paola Dubini (Università Bocconi), Sara Bonini Baraldi (Università di Torino), Ludovico Solima (Università degli Studi della Campania) and Antonia Gravagnuolo (IRISS-CNR di Salerno).


How does it work?

Dinamica is an analysis, strategy and action process targeted at cultural organisations. The first step involves completing a questionnaire, which is freely available online.

The questionnaire analyses the organisational model and balance and then sends back a report, offering a personalised analysis of the overall balance and the expressed and unexpressed potential relating to various organisational, management and process aspects. This establishes the basis for identifying, together with the Dinamica network of consultants, the best strategies for facing the emergency and preparing for future scenarios. The first action plan ideas will be contained in the report, arranged by objectives and priorities.

The Dinamica network aims to establish a community of cultural organisations with which it can begin an in-depth, shared discussion, leading to the development of solutions for starting up again and approaching new scenarios.

Do you represent an institution, a cultural production or sharing space, an association, a company or a public project? Would you like to receive mentoring during this period that is so crucial to our sector’s future?

Complete and share our questionnaire. You can find it here, together with comprehensive details on the project.