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Museums and creative making: here’s our how-to

By 27 January 2023March 13th, 2023No Comments

How to develop making activities to foster audience development, accessibility, innovation and intergenerational learning in museums


CREMA – Creative Making for Lifelong Learning is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme, which explores creative making practices and approaches for adults in museums. The aim is turning museums into places of exchange and learning, through the implementation of laboratory activities – derived from traditional craftsmanship or digital and in open dialogue with collections.

Following an initial mapping of best practices in Europe and the development of innovative working methods, the project partners carried out pilot activities in several museums across Europe. All these experiences have been collected within the guidelines, available on the CREMA project website.

The guidelines are designed to support museums that wish to stimulate visitors’ creativity starting from their collections. The guidelines are divided into five chapters that provide different interpretations of the topic. BAM!, as the Italian partner of the project, worked on the second chapter, which collects ideas and suggestions on the use of making to reach and engage new audiences, also reporting the experience of the pilots carried out in the Civic Museums of Imola and in Turin with “Museo Fuori!“. The other topics covered in the guidelines are: the interaction with museum collections, entrepreneurship and innovation, intergenerational exchange and accessibility.

The project was carried out by seven different European organisations: Regional Museum of Skane (Sweden) as project leader, Finnish Museum Association (Finland), Hungarian Open Air Museum (Hungary), Creative Museum (Latvia), History & Art Copenhagen ( Denmark), Radiona Zagreb Makerspace (Croatia) and BAM! (Italy).


The guidelines can be browsed online and downloaded .
If you want to read more about the project, you can do it here. Enjoy the reading!